Secondary Care
Secondary care providers are under enormous pressure. Increased caseloads mean clinicians and multidisciplinary meetings (MDTs) are overburdened and do not have the time or space to focus on treatment management for complex patient cases. As the number of different treatment options and our scientific understanding continue to grow rapidly, it can be difficult for clinicians to keep up-to-date with best practice, causing unjustified variations in the quality of care and clinical outcomes for patients.
Deontics’ Intelligent Treatment Pathways (Secondary Care) alleviate these risks by streamlining clinical pathways and delivering quality and standardised healthcare.
Streamlining Cancer MDTMs
“Our findings demonstrate the feasibility, safety, effectiveness and potential cost-effectiveness of PROSAIC-DS [Deontics Cancer ITP] as an AI Clinical Decision Support System that can automate the streamlining of a prostate cancer MDT.”
– Clinical Evaluation of Deontics in the prostate cancer pathway at Guys and St Thomas’s hospitals – Artificial Intelligence in Health and Care Award Final Report
Our Cancer ITP offers an automated, intelligent tool which can safely triage patients away from the multidisciplinary team meeting (MDTM), and make evidence-based treatment recommendations for newly diagnosed cancer patients. This reduces the workload of clinicians and MDTMs, allowing them to focus on complex cases, and enables triaged patients to start on their treatment pathway earlier. Benefits include:
- Quicker patient treatment: Reducing the time-to-treatment for patients, addressing a key national target.
- Enabling clinical efficiencies: Freeing up clinician time and providing them with evidence-based decision support.
- Improving patient care: Ensuring quality and standardised care for all patients.
- Significant financial savings and reduction in administrative burden on hospitals.
- Increase in identified patients that are eligible for clinical trials.
Our Cancer ITP works with all tumour groups, and can integrate with existing hospital EPRs and software systems.
To see the results of our recent comprehensive clinical evaluation, please visit: PROSAIC-DS – PROState AI in Cancer Decision Support Trial
To speak with us and to book a demo, please contact us.